separation of powers

the principle or system of vesting in separate branches the executive, legislative, and judicial powers of a government.
Examples from the web for separation of powers
  • Despite this separation of powers, occasional arguments arose between the master of the ship and the master of the galley.
  • He also spelled out the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches.
  • It violates the principle of the separation of powers.
  • Its leaders say it wants to be part of a modern democracy with a separation of powers, independent courts and a free press.
  • Although almost certainly a violation of the separation of powers, it has already attracted a lot of support.
  • He no longer pays lip-service to the separation of powers, which in practice disappeared some time ago.
  • Exchanging separation of powers for elective dictatorship would simply exchange one set of problems for another.
  • The case for separation is based on the simple principle of the separation of powers.
  • Party leaders would see this as a dangerous step down the slippery slope towards a separation of powers.
  • separation of powers also comes with separation of responsibility and accountability.
Contemporary definitions for separation of powers

the doctrine that the individual branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) have separate and unique powers the others cannot impinge upon

Word Origin

developed by French philosopher Baron de Montesquieu

separation of powers in Culture

separation of powers definition

A fundamental principle of the United States government, whereby powers and responsibilities are divided among the legislative branch, executive branch, and judicial branch. The officials of each branch are selected by different procedures and serve different terms of office; each branch may choose to block action of the other branches through the system of checks and balances. The framers of the Constitution designed this system to ensure that no one branch would accumulate too much power and that issues of public policy and welfare would be given comprehensive consideration before any action was taken.